New England XC Championship 2011 vs New England XC Championship 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +15 535 520
Overall Average +17.95 18:59.59 18:41.65
1st-10th Place +18.17 15:47.40 15:29.23
1st-25th Place +22.38 16:06.48 15:44.10
1st-50th Place +22.96 16:21.64 15:58.68
1st-100th Place +22.15 16:38.60 16:16.45
Common Athletes -- -- 79
Ran Faster -53 13 66
Ran Season Best 43 75 32
Average Time +47.79 19:08.23 18:20.43
Median Time +56.40 19:27.00 18:30.60
Middle 80% Times +47.02 19:09.34 18:22.32
Top 10% Times +1:06.86 16:41.38 15:34.51
Top 25% Times +1:08.42 17:08.40 15:59.99
Top 50% Times +1:09.18 17:51.25 16:42.07
Bottom 50% Times +25.21 19:56.50 19:31.29
Bottom 25% Times +19.66 21:00.20 20:40.54
Bottom 10% Times +31.51 21:41.00 21:09.49
Average Difference +47.79 -- --
Median Difference +43.70 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +45.71 -- --
Top 10% Difference +55.08 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:05.67 -- --
Top 25% Difference +59.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:05.67 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +29.82 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +23.15 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +48.89 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Alex Ostberg Darien High School +2:19.00 17:30.00 15:11.00
Josef Andrews Telstar Regional High School +1:15.10 16:28.00 15:12.90
Christian Alvarado Fairfield Prep High School +1:17.10 16:34.00 15:16.90
Colin Tierney Bishop Hendricken High School +1:02.90 16:20.00 15:17.10
Jeremy Brassard Coe Brown Academy +1:01.90 16:50.00 15:48.10
Sam Nishi Harwood Union High school +1:53.10 17:48.00 15:54.90
Michael Potter Bishop Hendricken High School +36.20 16:32.00 15:55.80
Dhahran Velasquez Capital Prep Magnet School +51.60 16:51.00 15:59.40
Ben Hegman Mt. Mansfield High School +1:47.80 17:49.00 16:01.20
Dan Paiva La Salle Academy +1:58.70 18:03.00 16:04.30
Justin Trott Winnacunnet High School +51.00 16:58.00 16:07.00
Peter Doane Cape Elizabeth High School +1:08.10 17:25.00 16:16.90
Garrett Scanlon East Greenwich High School +1:04.70 17:22.00 16:17.30
Elijah Moskowitz Souhegan High School +1:41.30 17:59.00 16:17.70
Dallin Smith North Kingstown High School +1:18.00 17:36.00 16:18.00
Marshall Huffman Darien High School +1:04.50 17:23.00 16:18.50
Jake Grundy La Salle Academy +1:33.00 17:52.00 16:19.00
Mickey Kozak Danbury High School +51.60 17:13.00 16:21.40
Abram Gagnon Manchester Central +1:09.00 17:40.00 16:31.00
Sean Macdonald South Burlington +1:25.70 17:57.00 16:31.30
Collin Manning Bishop Hendricken High School +24.80 16:58.00 16:33.20
Patrick Lynch Souhegan High School +37.40 17:15.00 16:37.60
James Gregoire South Burlington +1:56.70 18:36.00 16:39.30
Nathanael Kuzio Harwood Union High school +1:24.00 18:06.00 16:42.00
Patrick Hickey South Burlington +1:03.20 17:49.00 16:45.80
Stephen Gencarelli Chariho Regional High School +1:12.70 18:00.00 16:47.30
Geoffrey Kazlow Harwood Union High school +30.60 17:18.00 16:47.40
Jacob Terry Scarborough High School +2:03.70 18:54.00 16:50.30
Zach Stemple Danbury High School +41.70 17:35.00 16:53.30
Peter Kreuch Darien High School +1:33.40 18:41.00 17:07.60
Cameron Barth Oyster River High School +52.90 18:02.00 17:09.10
Joe Craven North Kingstown High School -3.60 17:12.00 17:15.60
Jacob Palmerio Harwood Union High school +1:39.40 19:26.00 17:46.60
Autumn Eastman Champlain Valley Union High School +1:53.70 19:42.00 17:48.30
Hannah Parker Coe Brown Academy +1:06.90 19:23.00 18:16.10
Abby Livingston Barrington High School +39.20 18:58.00 18:18.80
Laura Hergenrother Ridgefield High School +1:57.60 20:18.00 18:20.40
Christine Bendzinski Rham High School +1:42.20 20:07.00 18:24.80
Emma Newton Hollis Brookline High School +1:15.00 19:44.00 18:29.00
Courtney Akerley Tolland High School +51.40 19:22.00 18:30.60
Alyssa Brehler Griswold High School +19.30 18:51.00 18:31.70
Jessie Carney Coe Brown Academy +1:15.70 19:51.00 18:35.30
Quinn Bornstein St. Johnsbury Academy +1:41.00 20:19.00 18:38.00
Shannon Murdock Exeter High School +43.70 19:39.00 18:55.30
Brittany Bowman Camden Hills Regional High School -1:17.40 18:56.00 20:13.40
Sarah Mattison Simsbury High School +56.30 19:56.00 18:59.70
Meghan Verner-Crist Barrington High School +37.20 19:46.00 19:08.80
Aleta Looker Ellsworth High School +34.80 19:44.00 19:09.20
Gwenyth Winship Bedford High School -12.90 19:11.00 19:23.90
Margaret Mccaffrey East Greenwich High School +1:40.90 20:56.00 19:15.10
Kiera Murray Cheverus High School +11.80 19:27.00 19:15.20
Katherine Cook South Burlington +33.10 20:00.00 19:26.90
Isabel Erickson Mt. Desert Island High School +1:05.60 20:38.00 19:32.40
Gabby Richardson Bishop Guertin High School +33.30 20:12.00 19:38.70
Gabby Johnson Massabesic High School -21.10 19:40.00 20:01.10
Caroline Koenig Staples High School -1:04.20 19:42.00 20:46.20
Molly McCabe Bishop Guertin High School +3.00 19:46.00 19:43.00
Caroline Falvey La Salle Academy -7.80 19:45.00 19:52.80
Katie Scannell Coe Brown Academy +8.60 19:54.00 19:45.40
Riley Barter St. Johnsbury Academy +1:51.70 21:39.00 19:47.30
Sarah Murphy Bishop Guertin High School -15.90 19:48.00 20:03.90
Smita Boesch-dining Concord High School +12.60 20:03.00 19:50.40
Emily Harris Manchester Central +1:31.40 21:23.00 19:51.60
Jaxine Wolfe North Kingstown High School -47.80 20:05.00 20:52.80
Stephanie Mattson Smithfield High School +4.20 20:12.00 20:07.80
Jessica Elliot The Prout School -11.90 20:14.00 20:25.90
Macy Towle St. Johnsbury Academy +1:23.80 21:38.00 20:14.20
Robin Vincent St. Johnsbury Academy +25.50 20:40.00 20:14.50
Maggie Painter Mt. Desert Island High School -17.80 20:16.00 20:33.80
Elle Ramsey Harwood Union High school -26.40 20:19.00 20:45.40
Rebecca Meinertz Smithfield High School +16.20 20:38.00 20:21.80
Hannah Fleming Ridgefield High School -14.10 20:29.00 20:43.10
Caroline Driscoll Mt. Desert Island High School +37.00 21:07.00 20:30.00
Olivia Erickson Mt. Desert Island High School +8.90 20:58.00 20:49.10
Madison Saliba Smithfield High School -18.70 20:51.00 21:09.70
Alice Woodruff Harwood Union High school +41.80 21:41.00 20:59.20
Acadia Dinardo Mt. Mansfield High School +9.70 21:17.00 21:07.30
Caitlin Paredes Smithfield High School +21.00 21:58.00 21:37.00
Genesee Daley Smithfield High School +50.40 22:45.00 21:54.60