RITCA Injury Fund 2024

Providence, RI
Hosted by RIIL
Timing/Results Wilbur Race Systems

Athlete Entries

Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A East Providence High School
Relay Team A Shea Senior High School
Relay Team A West Warwick High School
Relay Team A North Providence
Relay Team A Central High School
Relay Team A Pilgrim High School
Relay Team A Woonsocket High School
Relay Team A Coventry High School
Relay Team A Burrillville High School
Relay Team A 1:30.00h Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 1:33.00h Bishop Hendricken High School
Relay Team A 1:34.00h La Salle Academy
Relay Team A 1:36.50h Barrington High School
Relay Team A 1:38.00 Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 1:38.00 Toll Gate High School
Relay Team A 1:39.00 Classical High School
Relay Team A 1:40.00 St. Raphael Academy
Relay Team A 1:40.00h Lincoln High School
Relay Team A 1:41.00h Cranston West HS
Relay Team A 1:42.00h Westerly High School
Relay Team A 1:42.70h Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 1:42:00. Scituate High School
Relay Team A 1:44.00h Juanita Sanchez High School
Relay Team A 1:44:17. Tolman High School
Relay Team A 1:45.00h Rogers
Relay Team A 1:48.00 East Greenwich High School
Relay Team A 1:48.00h North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 1:50.00h Mount Pleasant High School
Relay Team A 1:50.00h Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Relay Team A 1:52.00h Cranston East High School
Relay Team A 1:58.00h The Prout School
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Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A East Providence High School
Relay Team A North Providence
Relay Team A Pilgrim High School
Relay Team A Woonsocket High School
Relay Team A Coventry High School
Relay Team A 3.00h Narragansett High School
Relay Team A 3:40.00h Bishop Hendricken High School
Relay Team A 3:42.00 Classical High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Westerly High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00h Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 3:47.00h Barrington High School
Relay Team A 3:52.00 St. Raphael Academy
Relay Team A 3:53.10h Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 3:55.00h Cranston West HS
Relay Team A 3:55.00h Cumberland
Relay Team A 3:56.00h The Prout School
Relay Team A 4:00.00h Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 4:00.52 Shea Senior High School
Relay Team A 4:00:00. Scituate High School
Relay Team A 4:02.73 Tolman High School
Relay Team A 4:08.00h North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 4:10.00h Lincoln High School
Relay Team A 4:10.00h Rogers
Relay Team A 4:14.00h Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Relay Team A 4:20.00h Cranston East High School
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Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Burrillville High School
Relay Team A Coventry High School
Relay Team A East Providence High School
Relay Team A West Warwick High School
Relay Team A Cranston East High School
Relay Team A Shea Senior High School
Relay Team A Pilgrim High School
Relay Team A 14:08.00 Chariho Regional High School
Relay Team A 8:20.00h Bishop Hendricken High School
Relay Team A 8:25.00h La Salle Academy
Relay Team A 8:33.00h Barrington High School
Relay Team A 8:40.00 Classical High School
Relay Team A 8:40.00h St. Raphael Academy
Relay Team A 8:40.00h Moses Brown School
Relay Team A 8:40.00h Cumberland
Relay Team A 8:45.00 Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 9:00.00 Toll Gate High School
Relay Team A 9:00.00 East Greenwich High School
Relay Team A 9:00.00h Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 9:01.70h Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 9:10.00h Cranston West HS
Relay Team A 9:20.00h The Prout School
Relay Team A 9:30:00. Scituate High School
Relay Team A 9:35.00h Rogers
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DMR (1200, 400, 800, 1600) 43 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A Woonsocket High School
Relay Team A St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Relay Team A Cranston West HS
Relay Team A Scituate High School
Relay Team A Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Relay Team A Woonsocket High School
Relay Team A Pilgrim High School
Relay Team A Coventry High School
Relay Team A Cranston West HS
Relay Team A Burrillville High School
Relay Team A The Prout School
Relay Team A Classical High School
Relay Team A Coventry High School
Relay Team A East Providence High School
Relay Team A Cranston East High School
Relay Team A Mount Saint Charles Academy
Relay Team A Mount Saint Charles Academy
Relay Team A Shea Senior High School
Relay Team A 11:00.00 Bishop Hendricken High School
Relay Team A 11:25.00 Cumberland
Relay Team A 11:30.00 Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 11:45.00 Chariho Regional High School
Relay Team A 11:45.00 Barrington High School
Relay Team A 11:48.00 North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 12:20.00 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Relay Team A 12:20.00 St. Raphael Academy
Relay Team A 13:00.00 Rogers
Relay Team A 13:00.00 East Greenwich High School
Relay Team A 13:15.00 La Salle Academy
Relay Team A 14:00.00 Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 14:00.00 The Prout School
Relay Team A 14:00.00 Cumberland
Relay Team A 14:00.00 Barrington High School
Relay Team A 14:00.00 St. Raphael Academy
Relay Team A 14:30.00 East Greenwich High School
Relay Team A 15:00.00 East Providence High School
Relay Team A 15:02.70 Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 15:40.00 North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 16:10.00 Cranston East High School
Relay Team A 17:05.00 Lincoln High School
Relay Team A 17:30.00 Chariho Regional High School
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Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Burrillville High School
Relay Team A St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Relay Team A Shea Senior High School
Relay Team A Mount Saint Charles Academy
Relay Team A North Providence
Relay Team A Central High School
Relay Team A West Warwick High School
Relay Team A Scituate High School
Relay Team A Pilgrim High School
Relay Team A 1:46.00 Classical High School
Relay Team A 1:48.10h East Providence High School
Relay Team A 1:50.00h Cranston West HS
Relay Team A 1:51.50h La Salle Academy
Relay Team A 1:52.00h Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 1:53.50h Barrington High School
Relay Team A 1:55.00 North Kingstown High School
Relay Team A 1:55.00h Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 1:55.00h Juanita Sanchez High School
Relay Team A 1:56.00 East Greenwich High School
Relay Team A 1:58.50 Westerly High School
Relay Team A 2:00.00 St. Raphael Academy
Relay Team A 2:00.60h Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 2:04.00h North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 2:05.00 Chariho Regional High School
Relay Team A 2:05.00h The Prout School
Relay Team A 2:06.00 Lincoln High School
Relay Team A 2:10.00h Cranston East High School
Relay Team A 2:20.00h Rogers
Relay Team A 2:20.00h Tolman High School
Relay Team A 2:25.00h Hope High School
Relay Team A 3.00h Narragansett High School
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Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A North Providence
Relay Team A Juanita Sanchez High School
Relay Team A West Warwick High School
Relay Team A St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Relay Team A Shea Senior High School
Relay Team A Mount Saint Charles Academy
Relay Team A Barrington High School
Relay Team A 3.00h Narragansett High School
Relay Team A 4:12.10h East Providence High School
Relay Team A 4:15.00h Classical High School
Relay Team A 4:20.50 La Salle Academy
Relay Team A 4:25.00h Westerly High School
Relay Team A 4:29.00h Cranston West HS
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 4:30.00h Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 4:34.00 North Kingstown High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00 East Greenwich High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00h North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00 The Prout School
Relay Team A 4:50.00 Lincoln High School
Relay Team A 4:50.00 St. Raphael Academy
Relay Team A 4:50.60h Coventry High School
Relay Team A 5:10.50h Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 5:12.00h Cranston East High School
Relay Team A 5:20.00h Hope High School
Relay Team A 6:00.00h Tolman High School
Relay Team A 6:30.00h Rogers
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Classical High School
Relay Team A Pilgrim High School
Relay Team A Burrillville High School
Relay Team A North Kingstown High School
Relay Team A Coventry High School
Relay Team A Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Relay Team A Rogers
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Cumberland
Relay Team A 10:00.00 Toll Gate High School
Relay Team A 10:40.00 Moses Brown School
Relay Team A 10:40.00 Barrington High School
Relay Team A 10:40.00 La Salle Academy
Relay Team A 10:45.00 Westerly High School
Relay Team A 10:55.00 Cranston West HS
Relay Team A 11:00.00 The Prout School
Relay Team A 11:13.00 East Providence High School
Relay Team A 11:45.00 North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 12:00.00 Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 12:23.60 Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 12:40.00 Lincoln High School
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High Jump Relay (3 athletes) 73 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Outland, Demetrius 6-4 Central High School
Ochogwu, Kenaz 6-2 East Providence High School
Lane, Gabe 6-2 Moses Brown School
Slavick, Dylan 6-1 East Providence High School
Chen, Aidan 6-1 Portsmouth High School
Evora, Cameron 6-0 East Providence High School
Potter V, Chucky 6-0 Barrington High School
Parish, Shea 5-10 Barrington High School
Miller, Cam 5-10 Middletown High School
Abhulime, Ephraim 5-10 La Salle Academy
Ramponi, Steve 5-8 Portsmouth High School
Thomas, Tristan 5-8 Portsmouth High School
Couturier, Ethan 5-8 Barrington High School
Bearden, Antonio 5-8 La Salle Academy
Wills, Maki 5-6 Rogers
Garcia, Ian 5-6 Bishop Hendricken High School
Wallace, Teddy 5-6 Classical High School
Rocchio, Diego 5-4 The Prout School
Shah, Michael 5-4 Bishop Hendricken High School
Correia, William 5-4 West Warwick High School
Onysko, Justin 5-2 Bishop Hendricken High School
Wilusz, Nick 5-2 Chariho Regional High School
Correia, Shanna 5-1 West Warwick High School
Knutton, Spencer 5-0 Coventry High School
O'Connell, Brennan 5-0 Coventry High School
DeSantis, Aidan 5-0 The Prout School
LaChappelle, Braden 5-0 Rogers
Corbett, Desmond 5-0 Rogers
Hyde, Helena 5-0 Barrington High School
Soares, Edy 5-0 Shea Senior High School
Shaw, Amber 4-10 Ponaganset High School
Rocha, Kali 4-10 Mount Hope High School
Roskiewicz, Jordan 4-10 Barrington High School
Glover, Zoe 4-8 Ponaganset High School
Ford, Alexandra 4-8 Barrington High School
Hopkins, Leila 4-8 Classical High School
Pimentel, Mia 4-6 Classical High School
Breadheft, Natalie 4-06.00 North Kingstown High School
Mbai, Lily 4-06.00 North Kingstown High School
Lafontaine, Anna 4-4 Ponaganset High School
Williams, Julianna 4-04.00 North Kingstown High School
Forrest, Harmony 3-10 Classical High School
Cruz Marroquin, Angelly 3-8 Juanita Sanchez High School
Aceto, Lorenzo Cranston West HS
Elias, Carter Cranston West HS
Loper, Fayth Rogers
Phelps, Margaret Rogers
Weiker, Kori North Smithfield High School
Rogers, Catherine North Smithfield High School
Snyzyk, Rachael North Smithfield High School
Mullen, Malia East Providence High School
Phillip, Nazarae East Providence High School
Raphael, Abigail East Providence High School
Lamoureux, Nick North Smithfield High School
Bienkiewicz, Zachary North Smithfield High School
Morgan, Matthew North Smithfield High School
Miller, Malia Lincoln High School
Chan, Aliza Lincoln High School
Hilmer, Leni Portsmouth High School
Staroscik, Sonia Portsmouth High School
Davidson, Garcia Mount Hope High School
Andreozzi, Kenneth Mount Hope High School
Cicchinelli, Jackson Mount Hope High School
Dufault, Sincere Classical High School
Matthews, Elijah Classical High School
Russo, Skylar Cranston West HS
Zamarripa, Sophia Cranston West HS
Redman, Lilliana Mount Hope High School
Stegall, Gavin Mount Hope High School
Baez, Jennifer Juanita Sanchez High School
Tejada, Daniela Juanita Sanchez High School
Price, DuJuan West Warwick High School
Vongvilay, Nattapol West Warwick High School
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Long Jump Relay (3 athletes) 102 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lane, Gabe 21-1.75 Moses Brown School
Dabanka, Joshua 21-0 Classical High School
Rodrigues, Landon 20-9.5 Portsmouth High School
Soares, Edy 20-4 Shea Senior High School
Huffman, Lukas 19-8.25 Portsmouth High School
Monti, Jude 19-8 Bishop Hendricken High School
Slavick, Dylan 19-6.25 East Providence High School
Correia, William 19-5.75 West Warwick High School
Shaw, Julian 19-4 Bishop Hendricken High School
Memoli, Aden 19-3.25 Barrington High School
Trainor, Patrick 19-0 Barrington High School
Potter VI, Charly 19-0 Barrington High School
Miller, Cam 19-0 Middletown High School
Mitchell, Elvery 19-0 Shea Senior High School
Julius, Aaron 18-11.75 St. Raphael Academy
Gervelis, Owen 18-9.5 Portsmouth High School
Pezza, Quiana 18-1.5 Cranston West HS
Kanaczet, Zach 18-0 Coventry High School
Wilkins, Aiden 17-9.75 Coventry High School
Olawuyi, Nini 17-8.5 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Parrott, Jamarre 17-8 Cranston East High School
Ivy, Jaidin 17-7 East Providence High School
Ford, Sophia 17-6.75 Barrington High School
Lora, Sebastian 17-5 Bishop Hendricken High School
Logan, Andrew 17-4.5 West Warwick High School
Silva, Lola 17-3 Mount Hope High School
Hazard, Jaydis 17-2.5 Shea Senior High School
Taylor, Shane 17-2 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Gilliard, Kwamahn 17-0 East Providence High School
Akan-Disu, Daniel 17-0 St. Raphael Academy
Howard, Melvin 17-0 St. Raphael Academy
Stone, Drew 17-0 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Sem, Achilles 16-10.25 Cranston East High School
Rocchio, Diego 16-9.75 The Prout School
Catrambone, Maxwell 16-9 Cranston East High School
Jackson, Thea 16-6.5 Mount Hope High School
Vitale, Reece 16-1.25 Cranston West HS
Jarvis, Liam 16-1 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Cabral, Tyler 15-10.25 Mount Hope High School
Toste, Logan 15-10 Mount Hope High School
Dempsey, Riley 15-7.25 North Kingstown High School
Ford, Alexandra 15-6.75 Barrington High School
Rocha, Kali 15-5 Mount Hope High School
Feit, Chloe 15-4 Classical High School
Correia, Shanna 15-1 West Warwick High School
Bennett, Liam 15-0 Coventry High School
DeSantis, Aidan 15-0 The Prout School
Lake, Andrew 15-0 The Prout School
LaChappelle, Braden 15-0 Rogers
Lloyd, Derek 15-0 Rogers
Barry, Aidan 15-0 Rogers
Tavares, Mia 14-9.5 La Salle Academy
Contreras, Karina 14-8.75 St. Raphael Academy
Hopkins, Leila 14-2.25 Classical High School
Tammaro, Andrew 14-0 Ponaganset High School
Vinagro, Arrico 14-0 Ponaganset High School
Cicchitelli, Maya 14-0 Cranston West HS
Sullivan, Cyrus 14-0 Ponaganset High School
White, Charley 13-11 Mount Saint Charles Academy
McManus, Fiona 13-9 Barrington High School
Cassidy, Morgan 13-5.5 St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Hesford, Olivia 13-5.00 North Kingstown High School
Colby, Caroline 13-3.00 North Kingstown High School
Dockray, Cailtyn 13-2.25 The Prout School
Ibeh, Faith 13-2 St. Raphael Academy
Stinnette, Lila 13-2 Scituate High School
Ahmed, Leah 13-0 St. Raphael Academy
Yusuf, Eniola 13-0 Classical High School
Leonard, Amber 11-2 Narragansett High School
O'Loughlin, Makayla Rogers
Tiner, Frances North Smithfield High School
Weiker, Kori North Smithfield High School
Thibeault, Samantha North Smithfield High School
Lepine, Audrey East Providence High School
Ogunronbi, Sarah East Providence High School
Johnson-Carter, Trinity East Providence High School
Lamoureux, Nick North Smithfield High School
Bienkiewicz, Zachary North Smithfield High School
Almeida, Julian North Smithfield High School
Salois, Brayden Scituate High School
Greene, Ava Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Chabot, Lily Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Spring, Morgan Rogers
Loper, Fayth Rogers
Gaillous, Larry Classical High School
Adelakun, Emmanuel Classical High School
Phillips, Mazie Mount Saint Charles Academy
Kay, Jonathan Mount Hope High School
Lohmann, Karuna Narragansett High School
DiBiasio, Sofia Narragansett High School
Turner, Kennedy Westerly High School
DeMerchant, Hailey Scituate High School
Mancini, Valentina Scituate High School
Musser, Lainee Mount Saint Charles Academy
Pires, Albert North Providence
Abdullah, Jayden North Providence
Oroku, Oluwatofunmi West Warwick High School
Dowdy, Paris North Providence
Drew, Aibhilin La Salle Academy
Higgins, Olivia La Salle Academy
Silvia, Nariah West Warwick High School
Ramirez, Joshua West Warwick High School
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Shot Put Relay (3 athletes) 148 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Durang, Tyler 48-11.75 Lincoln High School
Thomas, Kaden 46-0.5 Rogers
Bilotto, Luke 45-9 The Prout School
Kapadia, Ravi 42-10.5 Lincoln High School
Wolfenden, Brandon 42-8.75 Pilgrim High School
Arnold, Alex 42-2 Bishop Hendricken High School
Amoruso, Arion 42-2 Bishop Hendricken High School
Gaulin, Brady 42-1.75 Cumberland
Mwah, Kobe 41-0 La Salle Academy
Cheshire, Jonathan 40-8.75 La Salle Academy
Adams, Joe 39-5.5 Barrington High School
Bonilla, Alex 38-8.25 Woonsocket High School
Cicchitelli, Ben 38-7 Smithfield High School
Kennedy, Nicolas 38-1.75 Rogers
Mourad, Julian 37-3 Lincoln High School
Robbins, Levi 37-0 Barrington High School
Allen, Jayden 36-9.75 Shea Senior High School
Sidibe, Abdou 36-9.5 Classical High School
Moretti, Matthew 36-9 La Salle Academy
Bediako, Gifty 36-2.5 Classical High School
Bessette, Nathan 36-0 Cumberland
Colucci, Anthony 35-11.25 Coventry High School
Motta, Shane 35-9 Cumberland
Testa, Nicholas 34-0 Johnston High School
Adekunle, Susan 33-11.25 Classical High School
Spira, Owen 33-9 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
D'Orazio, Gemma 33-8.5 St. Raphael Academy
Beaudry, Adam 33-7.75 Woonsocket High School
Del Sasso, Zack 33-6.25 Coventry High School
Cogan, Jacob 33-6 Mount Saint Charles Academy
Almonte, Amanda 33-3.75 Woonsocket High School
Gonzalez, Kariel 33-1.5 Rogers
Paniccia, Billy 33-0 The Prout School
Souza, Brandon 33-0 Johnston High School
Prado, Alexzander 33-0 Bishop Hendricken High School
Goulding, Payton 32-10 Cumberland
Superczynski, Samantha 32-9.5 St. Raphael Academy
Chace, Wil 32-0.25 Coventry High School
Lavimodiere, Logan 32-0 Cranston West HS
Poirier, Garrett 32-0 Barrington High School
Grenier, Lacie 32-0 Cumberland
Borges, Seth 31-11 Smithfield High School
Alvarez, Daniel 31-11 West Warwick High School
Ponte, Matthew 31-0 Johnston High School
Piette, Isabella 30-10.75 Woonsocket High School
Durant, Ethan 30-4.25 Portsmouth High School
Chase, Aundrea 30-1.75 West Warwick High School
Selwyn, Logan 30-1.25 The Prout School
Goss, Alex 30-0 Portsmouth High School
Ballah, Daniel 30-0 St. Raphael Academy
Couillard, Cole 29-11 Scituate High School
Luke, Ryan 29-9.25 Cranston West HS
Smith, Julia 29-8.5 The Prout School
Messer, Aidan 29-8.5 Woonsocket High School
Gleeson, Ayden 29-1.5 Portsmouth High School
Caron, Adelaide 29-0.5 Woonsocket High School
Ales, Salvatore 29-0.5 West Warwick High School
Rodriguez, Kai 29-0 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Limoges, Kyle 28-11.5 Ponaganset High School
OBrien, Ben 28-10.5 Ponaganset High School
Jones, Vanessa 28-4.25 Toll Gate High School
Precious, Michael 28-0 East Providence High School
Patterson, Brynn 28-0 Cumberland
Leomensah, Thadea 27-11.25 La Salle Academy
Hoopes, Morgan 27-11.00 North Kingstown High School
St. Clermont, Darryl 27-9.75 Classical High School
Senenko, Abigail 27-7.25 North Kingstown High School
Walters, Jillian 26-9 Ponaganset High School
Philbin, Abigial 26-7.75 Narragansett High School
Hoskins, Mia 26-5 Coventry High School
Sundburg, Alex 26-3.75 Cranston West HS
Testa, Michael 25-11 Scituate High School
Saldivar Bejarano, Lia 25-9.75 La Salle Academy
Carroll, Haley 25-4.50 North Kingstown High School
Forrest, Harmony 25-1.5 Classical High School
Messier, TY 25-0 East Providence High School
Lyons, Evan 25-0 Ponaganset High School
Hill, Ava 24-11.75 St. Raphael Academy
Marino, Michael 24-11 Mount Saint Charles Academy
Brennick, Caroline 24-8 Cranston East High School
Giroux, Peyton 24-5 La Salle Academy
Sivels, Jayli 24-2.25 St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Hillis-Piecyk, Mason 24-0.5 Scituate High School
Xavier, Logan 24-0 East Providence High School
Nguyen, Jillian 23-3.5 St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Kulkarni, Aditya 23-1 Mount Saint Charles Academy
Nardone, Joseph 22-10 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Lyons, Ava 22-3 Ponaganset High School
Fernstrom, Makenzie 22-2 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
JeanBaptiste, Asia 21-9.5 Pilgrim High School
Jaeger, Lilly 21-7 Ponaganset High School
Richards, Jaya 21-3 Juanita Sanchez High School
Picillo, Deirdra 21-1 The Prout School
Ortiz, Raquel 20-11 Juanita Sanchez High School
Pinocci, Audrianna 20-10 Narragansett High School
Gallagher, Mackenzie 20-9.25 Narragansett High School
Flaherty, Kelsea 20-0 The Prout School
Smith, Kelsea 19-3.5 Portsmouth High School
Dansereau, Averey 17-0.25 Portsmouth High School
Medeiros, Isabella 16-11.75 Mount Hope High School
Ramirez, Noelia Rogers
Spring, Morgan Rogers
Bayha, Keaney Pilgrim High School
Barros, Sophie North Smithfield High School
Roden, Abby North Smithfield High School
Cabral, Wendy East Providence High School
Cabral, Whitney East Providence High School
Daniel, Kendra East Providence High School
Lagasse, Chris North Smithfield High School
Harrison, Daniel North Smithfield High School
Nunez, Eddie North Smithfield High School
Bentley, Neala Lincoln High School
Howland, Dina Lincoln High School
Rogers, Katelyn Lincoln High School
Guinan, Katherine Rogers
Santiago-Cruz, Natalia Cranston East High School
DaSilva, Jaslyanna Shea Senior High School
Rossi, Reese Smithfield High School
Ezeama, Uchenna Smithfield High School
Giguere, Taylin Smithfield High School
Sala, Joseph Smithfield High School
Stanley, Gianna Coventry High School
Hawley, Ava Coventry High School
Cronin, Meredith Portsmouth High School
Durette, Kyleigh Mount Hope High School
Neverka-Vinciguerra, Benjamin Mount Hope High School
Brosnihan, Theodor Mount Hope High School
Lowney, David Mount Hope High School
Snead, Christian Pilgrim High School
Callahan, Benjamin Pilgrim High School
Dorsey, Alina Toll Gate High School
Cruz, Anthony Shea Senior High School
Cirino, Josniel Shea Senior High School
Tannenbaum, Robert Classical High School
Gabrielson, Emma North Smithfield High School
Rivas, Estrella Cranston East High School
Sandoval, Elizabeth West Warwick High School
Alves, Ashley Westerly High School
Pellegrino, Madison Westerly High School
Caracciolo, Emma Westerly High School
Alvarado, Katrina Juanita Sanchez High School
Sans-Souci, Mervense North Providence
Lijofi, Emmanuel North Providence
Abdullah, Jayden North Providence
Truss, Jade West Warwick High School
DellaMorte-Pitts, Jaida North Providence
Leblanc, Medjina North Providence
Carneiro, Brayden West Warwick High School
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Shuttle Hurdle Relay (4 athletes) 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A West Warwick High School
Relay Team A Lincoln High School
Relay Team A Juanita Sanchez High School
Relay Team A East Providence High School
Relay Team A Shea Senior High School
Relay Team A Pilgrim High School
Relay Team A Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Relay Team A 1:30.00h Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 33.00h Barrington High School
Relay Team A 34.00h Bishop Hendricken High School
Relay Team A 34.80h North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 38.00h Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 40.10 North Kingstown High School
Relay Team A 40.10h Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 40.20h East Providence High School
Relay Team A 40.50h Barrington High School
Relay Team A 41.00h Cranston West HS
Relay Team A 43.80h North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 44.60h Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 45.00h Rogers
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SMR (200, 200, 400, 800) 57 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A East Providence High School
Relay Team A Mount Saint Charles Academy
Relay Team A Cranston East High School
Relay Team A Scituate High School
Relay Team A Mount Saint Charles Academy
Relay Team A Pilgrim High School
Relay Team A Shea Senior High School
Relay Team A Lincoln High School
Relay Team A North Providence
Relay Team A Tolman High School
Relay Team A Woonsocket High School
Relay Team A West Warwick High School
Relay Team A St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Relay Team A Juanita Sanchez High School
Relay Team A Scituate High School
Relay Team A Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Relay Team A Woonsocket High School
Relay Team A Coventry High School
Relay Team A West Warwick High School
Relay Team A Shea Senior High School
Relay Team A North Providence
Relay Team A 3.00h Narragansett High School
Relay Team A 3:30.60h Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 3:45.00 Classical High School
Relay Team A 3:47.00h Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Bishop Hendricken High School
Relay Team A 3:50.00h Cranston West HS
Relay Team A 3:58.00 East Greenwich High School
Relay Team A 4:00.00 Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 4:00.00h Mount Pleasant High School
Relay Team A 4:01.00h Barrington High School
Relay Team A 4:02.00h North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 4:12.00 North Kingstown High School
Relay Team A 4:12.00h Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Relay Team A 4:15.00 Westerly High School
Relay Team A 4:15.00h Rogers
Relay Team A 4:24.00 East Greenwich High School
Relay Team A 4:28.60h Mount Hope High School
Relay Team A 4:30.00 The Prout School
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Classical High School
Relay Team A 4:30.00h Cranston West HS
Relay Team A 4:30.00h The Prout School
Relay Team A 4:35.00 Chariho Regional High School
Relay Team A 4:35.00h East Providence High School
Relay Team A 4:36.00 St. Raphael Academy
Relay Team A 4:40.00 Portsmouth High School
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Barrington High School
Relay Team A 4:45.00 La Salle Academy
Relay Team A 4:55.00h Westerly High School
Relay Team A 5:15.00 St. Raphael Academy
Relay Team A 5:15.25 Coventry High School
Relay Team A 5:20.00h Cranston East High School
Relay Team A 5:20.00h Ponaganset High School
Relay Team A 5:28.00h North Smithfield High School
Relay Team A 5:30.00h Tolman High School
Relay Team A 6:10.00 Lincoln High School
Relay Team A 6:45.00h Rogers
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Weight Throw Relay (3 athletes) 130 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Giuliano, Matthew 60-0 Bishop Hendricken High School
Durang, Tyler 59-5.75 Lincoln High School
Charnley, Ethan 57-11.25 Bishop Hendricken High School
Goll, Derek 57-0.75 Bishop Hendricken High School
Motta, Shane 55-6 Cumberland
Spira, Owen 53-6 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Beaudry, Adam 53-1.5 Woonsocket High School
Del Sasso, Zack 53-0.75 Coventry High School
Murtha, Mitchell 53-0.25 Lincoln High School
Adams, Joe 52-1 Barrington High School
Garcia, Emmanuel 51-4.25 Central High School
Colucci, Anthony 49-11 Coventry High School
Wolfenden, Brandon 48-7.25 Pilgrim High School
Allen, Owen 48-0 Ponaganset High School
Sidibe, Abdou 47-11.75 Classical High School
McCaffrey, Devin 47-5.75 Lincoln High School
Piette, Isabella 47-5.75 Woonsocket High School
Collazo, Sebastian 47-5.75 Mount Pleasant High School
Cregan, Lily 46-3.5 Barrington High School
Bilotto, Luke 45-9 The Prout School
Bediako, Gifty 45-4.5 Classical High School
Conklin, Cooper 45-0 Cumberland
Fitzgerald, Aiden 45-0 Cumberland
Adekunle, Susan 44-8.5 Classical High School
Walmsley, Kahlyl 44-8 Rogers
Caron, Adelaide 44-3.25 Woonsocket High School
Bonilla, Alex 43-9.5 Woonsocket High School
Luke, Ryan 43-9.25 Cranston West HS
Bennett, Graham 43-0 Barrington High School
Hoskins, Mia 42-4.75 Coventry High School
Smith, Julia 41-3.75 The Prout School
Ortiz, Angeliea 40-10 Woonsocket High School
Patterson, Brynn 40-9.25 Cumberland
Corona, Domenic 40-4.5 La Salle Academy
Simao, Aidan 40-0 Coventry High School
Thoun, Shamrock 39-6 Woonsocket High School
Philbin, Abigial 39-2.75 Narragansett High School
Briggs, Christian 39-2.5 West Warwick High School
Vargas, Daniel 39-2 Classical High School
Ainabe, Nathan 39-0 La Salle Academy
Pacheco, Dylan 38-5.5 La Salle Academy
Keosykhao, Grace 38-5 La Salle Academy
Durant, Ethan 38-0.25 Portsmouth High School
Borges, Seth 37-5.5 Smithfield High School
D'Orazio, Gemma 37-2.25 St. Raphael Academy
Gleeson, Ayden 36-5.75 Portsmouth High School
Senenko, Abigail 35-4.50 North Kingstown High School
Boyajian, Mia 35-2.75 The Prout School
Barronette, Rayon 35-0 Rogers
Daniels, Brenna 35-0 Cumberland
Goulding, Payton 35-0 Cumberland
Carter, Dennis 35-0 Mount Pleasant High School
Walters, Jillian 34-8 Ponaganset High School
Antonio, Natalie 34-8 Barrington High School
Dick, Brandon 34-4.5 West Warwick High School
Picillo, Deirdra 34-3.75 The Prout School
Lein, Matthew 34-2.5 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Goss, Alex 34-0.5 Portsmouth High School
Robbins, Levi 34-0 Barrington High School
Selwyn, Logan 33-7.5 The Prout School
St. Clermont, Darryl 33-7.5 Classical High School
Gallo, Ava 33-5.5 West Warwick High School
Paniccia, Billy 33-0 The Prout School
McGinness, Taylor 32-10.75 Smithfield High School
Ihenacho, Chibuzo 32-9.5 Classical High School
Precious, Michael 32-9.25 East Providence High School
Jones, Vanessa 32-3.5 Toll Gate High School
Marini, Adrian 32-2.25 Central High School
Wang, Kitty 32-2 Barrington High School
Abreau, Wilbel 32-2 Central High School
Zompa, Robert 32-0 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Messier, TY 31-0.5 East Providence High School
Jay, Rowan 30-10.5 Ponaganset High School
Sivels, Jayli 30-7.5 St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Nguyen, Jillian 30-7.25 St Mary Academy-Bay View High Sc
Pinocci, Audrianna 30-7.25 Narragansett High School
Lyons, Aiden 30-5 Ponaganset High School
Bryson, Anna 30-0.25 Coventry High School
Watson, Elijah 30-0 Rogers
Robinson, Jordan 30-0 Mount Pleasant High School
Corbo, Frankie 29-8.5 Smithfield High School
Lavimodiere, Logan 29-2 Cranston West HS
Delgado, Isaac 28-10 Pilgrim High School
Hill, Ava 27-5.5 St. Raphael Academy
Sundburg, Alex 27-1.5 Cranston West HS
Szpotanski, Nathan 26-2.5 West Warwick High School
Gallagher, Mackenzie 25-6.25 Narragansett High School
LeComte, Kylah 25-5.00 North Kingstown High School
Xavier, Logan 25-0 East Providence High School
Carroll, Haley 24-8.25 North Kingstown High School
Fernstrom, Makenzie 23-6 Exeter-West Greenwich Regional H
Smith, Kelsea 22-1 Portsmouth High School
Dansereau, Averey 20-6.5 Portsmouth High School
Hilton, Kennedy 13-10.5 La Salle Academy
Medeiros, Isabella 12-3 Mount Hope High School
Superczynski, Samantha St. Raphael Academy
Gabrielson, Emma North Smithfield High School
Smith, Alyson North Smithfield High School
Cabral, Wendy East Providence High School
Cabral, Whitney East Providence High School
Lagasse, Chris North Smithfield High School
Harrison, Daniel North Smithfield High School
Howland, Dina Lincoln High School
Drolet, Emily Lincoln High School
Rogers, Katelyn Lincoln High School
Rossi, Reese Smithfield High School
Reed, Emma Smithfield High School
Cicchitelli, Ben Smithfield High School
Stanley, Gianna Coventry High School
Cronin, Meredith Portsmouth High School
Durette, Kyleigh Mount Hope High School
Brosnihan, Theodor Mount Hope High School
Neverka-Vinciguerra, Benjamin Mount Hope High School
Lowney, David Mount Hope High School
Nunez, Eddie North Smithfield High School
Dorsey, Alina Toll Gate High School
Cirino, Josniel Shea Senior High School
Molina, Stanley Shea Senior High School
Luckett, Bailey West Warwick High School
Horak, Charlotte West Warwick High School
Pellegrino, Madison Westerly High School
Caracciolo, Emma Westerly High School
Stoehr, Alex Westerly High School
Alvarado, Katrina Juanita Sanchez High School
Ortiz, Raquel Juanita Sanchez High School
Richards, Jaya Juanita Sanchez High School
Kiley, Caitlin La Salle Academy
Abdullah, Jayden North Providence
Cedeno, Jonah North Providence
Sans-Souci, Mervense North Providence
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