New England Championships 2016 vs New England XC Championship 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -3 517 520
Overall Average +2.68 18:44.33 18:41.65
1st-10th Place +12.53 15:41.76 15:29.23
1st-25th Place +8.59 15:52.68 15:44.10
1st-50th Place +5.10 16:03.78 15:58.68
1st-100th Place +4.87 16:21.32 16:16.45
Common Athletes -- -- 25
Ran Faster 5 15 10
Ran Season Best -9 4 13
Average Time -21.79 18:53.65 19:15.44
Median Time -26.24 19:09.36 19:35.60
Middle 80% Times -22.54 19:03.98 19:26.52
Top 10% Times -52.57 15:25.10 16:17.67
Top 25% Times -45.34 16:06.73 16:52.07
Top 50% Times -41.76 17:16.19 17:57.95
Bottom 50% Times -0.14 19:03.91 19:04.05
Bottom 25% Times +19.50 21:23.49 21:03.98
Bottom 10% Times +26.80 21:59.33 21:32.53
Average Difference -21.79 -- --
Median Difference -59.73 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -24.09 -- --
Top 10% Difference -52.57 -- --
Top 50% Difference -32.32 -- --
Top 25% Difference -45.34 -- --
Top 50% Difference -32.32 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -14.18 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +4.92 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +38.60 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
David (DJ) Principe Jr. La Salle Academy -33.51 15:13.39 15:46.90
Patrick O'brien Oyster River High School -1:16.67 15:20.93 16:37.60
Tyler Marshall Champlain Valley Union High School -47.53 15:40.97 16:28.50
Mars Bishop Barrington High School -1:24.45 15:58.85 17:23.30
Harken Spillane Champlain Valley Union High School -46.98 16:44.42 17:31.40
Calvin Mcclellan Champlain Valley Union High School -31.53 16:45.87 17:17.40
Davio Deluca Coe Brown Academy +3.30 17:02.70 16:59.40
Katherine Deloreto Tolland High School -44.26 18:21.34 19:05.60
Madeleine Hunt Souhegan High School -1:20.77 18:22.73 19:43.50
Sophia Gorman Champlain Valley Union High School -26.04 18:35.86 19:01.90
Hayley Collins Tolland High School -59.73 18:35.87 19:35.60
Tiara Tardy Mt. Desert Island High School -2:16.76 18:38.14 20:54.90
Emma Farrington Essex High School +6.66 19:09.36 19:02.70
Gaelyn Kattman Glastonbury High School +22.39 19:30.29 19:07.90
Kassidy Dill Orono High School -1:07.95 19:18.75 20:26.70
Annemarie Martell Essex High School -1.80 19:33.30 19:35.10
Haley Greene Ridgefield High School -8.68 19:40.82 19:49.50
Jamie Hazel North Kingstown High School +39.95 20:39.75 19:59.80
Sydney Bagus Smithfield High School -41.53 20:03.27 20:44.80
Jessica Ewing Bishop Guertin High School +21.20 20:46.50 20:25.30
Katie James Essex High School +42.66 21:17.26 20:34.60
Antoinette Lambert Falmouth High School +29.77 21:10.17 20:40.40
Samantha Mangano Pinkerton Academy +21.09 21:11.59 20:50.50
Mira Wyman Falmouth High School +4.40 21:10.00 21:05.60
Ella Causer Burlington High School +52.05 23:29.15 22:37.10