Proud Weekend For R.I. At New Balance Nationals

Wrapping up some other fine performances, Bishop Hendricken set a new state record in the Sprint Medley Relay with a time of 3:33.52. The Hawks also clocked an impressive 8:08.28 for the 4x800m. The Westerly girls captured the Emerging Elite Sprint Medley Relay was a nation No. 12 of 4:09.06. The Bulldogs' Matt Walker averaged five-minute pace in the 5,000m with a a time of 15:35.99. Barrington's Mars Bishop had a PR of 4:18.09 to finish third in the Emerging Elite Mile. Besides her opening 1,200m leg of 3:36 for her team's DMR squad, Portsmouth's Nikki Merrill also ran a PR of 2:14.25 for 800m and finished the mile in 4:59.39, the exact same time run by Westerly's Randi Burr in the EE Mile.