Top 500 boys returnees from last year's Rhode Island state cross country meet results.
Okay, so we're not done yet with the State Meet. Here you'll find all the top finishers from last weekend's meet per class - freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Watch the No. 6 ranked senior break his own state meet record

La Salle runner clocks 14:56.09 for third straight state title. We have more than eight minutes of race footage.

Rams sweep team titles at Sunday's State Meet. La Salle standout claims third straight individual crown. It's two straight for South Kingstown harrier.
Check out the weekend's fastest performers

All the information you'll need for Sunday's meet at Ponaganset.
La Salle is favored once again to win the boys' and girls' state titles. But we're guessing it won't be easy with a few squads capable of pulling off the upset.
A look back to last year's race video coverage of this upcoming weekend's state championships across the country. Flashback Friday video coverage from 2015 state cross country meets in Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Maine, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and South Carolina.
Some of our coaches (and Keith Lawton) give their predictions on the top teams and individuals at this Sunday's meet. at Ponaganset.
Sixteen runners have dipped under 16 minutes at Ponaganset. Are you among our list?
Who will secure those coveted top seven spots? Here's our picks.
Check it out. Thanks to Keith Lawton, we have lists of the top 100 5K times by boys and girls on the Chieftains' covered-bridge trail, site of Sunday's State Meet.