The R.I. meet has quickly turned into a “can’t miss event” for national-caliber athletes in the northeast region, and this Saturday’s meet certainly provided the proof. After nine-plus hours of competition, several of the nation’s best performances were showcased inside the Providence Career and Technical Academy field house.
Check out some great pics of this past weekend's meet.
Five individual titles and three wins in the relay events from Nutmeg State.

Barrington's Kelly establishes state and New England record in 25-pound weight. La Salle boys cruise to a nation No. 1 in distance medley.

Lake Region senior Kate Hall earns second straight title with 7.06 clocking.

Arlington senior breaks the tape in 3,000m with nation No. 1 of 10:08.44.
Sixth annual event takes place on Saturday, beginning at 9 a.m. with the girls' events followed by the boys.