New Balance Nationals Indoor Girls' Preview: Championship Events


Westerly is entered in the Sprint Medley Relay. The quartet of Jaime Murray, Sydney Federico, Helena Hall-Thomsen and Randi Burr appears to be a team capable of running in the 4:10 range. Murray has done 61 seconds for 400m, Federico and Hall-Thomsen are both 26-second 200m runners and Burr is capable of running between 2:12-2:15 for 800m, especially after her 2:53 performance in the 1,000m at the New England Championship this past weekend.

Barrington's foursome of Tess Gagliano, Lilly Sefranek, Caroline Livingston and Katie Zitzmann will be competing in the 4xMile Relay. The Eagles are capable of clocking a time in the mid 21-minute range.

The Distance Medley Relay will also include Westerly and Barrington. The Bulldogs will be represented by Elizabeth Letizio, Helena Hall-Thomsen, Federico and Burr. The Eagles' team will include Sefranek, Gagliano, Livingston and Ziztmann.