RIIL Class Championships 2021

Providence, RI
Hosted by RIIL
Timing/Results Wilbur Race Systems

Class C Boys Long Jump

 Wilbur Race Systems - Contractor License                       02/13/2021 - 5:44 PM
                          Class - 02/13/2021 to 02/14/2021                          
Event 92  Boys Long Jump Class C
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            Points   
Flight  1                                                                           
  1 Parker Hagen              12 Rogers                18-06.00      5.63m          
  2 Joe Rossi                 12 North Smithf          17-10.00      5.43m          
  3 Ethan Alexander           12 Mount Saint           16-07.50      5.06m          
  4 Chris Bell                12 The Prout School      16-06.00      5.02m          
  5 Travis Chartier            9 St. Raphael Academy   16-05.00      5.00m          
  6 Aidan Skidds              11 The Prout School      15-10.50      4.83m          
  7 Josh Farrell              11 St. Raphael Academy   15-05.00      4.69m          
 -- Kindler McLaughlin        11 The Wheeler School        FOUL                     
 -- Enrque Edjang             10 Juanita Sanc              FOUL                     
Flight  2                                                                           
  1 Casey Lambert             11 Moses Brown School    20-02.00      6.14m  10      
  2 Nate Kelton               12 Moses Brown School    18-11.00      5.76m   8      
  3 John Atanasoff            11 The Wheeler School    18-09.00      5.71m   6      
  4 Matthew Antunes           12 Smithfield H          18-08.00      5.68m   4      
  5 Tyler Reissner            11 Narragansett          18-07.50      5.67m   2      
  6 Zachary Isble             12 Smithfield H          18-06.50      5.65m   1      
  7 Jeremy Knobel             10 Smithfield H          18-04.00      5.58m          
  8 Charles Dakai             12 Mount Saint           18-02.00      5.53m          
  9 Aidan Sayles              12 Smithfield H          16-10.00      5.13m          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals            H# Points
  1 Casey Lambert             11 Moses Brown School    20-02.00      6.14m  2  10   
  2 Nate Kelton               12 Moses Brown School    18-11.00      5.76m  2   8   
  3 John Atanasoff            11 The Wheeler School    18-09.00      5.71m  2   6   
  4 Matthew Antunes           12 Smithfield H          18-08.00      5.68m  2   4   
  5 Tyler Reissner            11 Narragansett          18-07.50      5.67m  2   2   
  6 Zachary Isble             12 Smithfield H          18-06.50      5.65m  2   1   
  7 Parker Hagen              12 Rogers                18-06.00      5.63m  1       
  8 Jeremy Knobel             10 Smithfield H          18-04.00      5.58m  2       
  9 Charles Dakai             12 Mount Saint           18-02.00      5.53m  2       
 10 Joe Rossi                 12 North Smithf          17-10.00      5.43m  1       
 11 Aidan Sayles              12 Smithfield H          16-10.00      5.13m  2       
 12 Ethan Alexander           12 Mount Saint           16-07.50      5.06m  1       
 13 Chris Bell                12 The Prout School      16-06.00      5.02m  1       
 14 Travis Chartier            9 St. Raphael Academy   16-05.00      5.00m  1       
 15 Aidan Skidds              11 The Prout School      15-10.50      4.83m  1       
 16 Josh Farrell              11 St. Raphael Academy   15-05.00      4.69m  1       
 -- Kindler McLaughlin        11 The Wheeler School        FOUL             1       
 -- Enrque Edjang             10 Juanita Sanc              FOUL             1