Headley, Sullivan - Week 1 2016

Providence, RI

Team results (Saturday, 12-11)

Licensed to Wilbur Race Systems - Contractor License
                                               HY-TEK's Meet Manager 12/12/2015
               Headley-Sullivan Meet - 12/11/2015 to 12/12/2015                
                     Providence Career & Technical Academy                     
                      Dual Meet Scores - Through Event 13                      
              Cumberland Hs-Ri   68.00     41.00 Barrington Hs- RI             
          North Kingston Hs-Ri   68.00     41.00 Barrington Hs- RI             
         Bay View Hs-E.Prov-Ri   52.00     31.00 Hope Hs- Prov.- RI            
            Portsmouth HS - RI   71.00     33.00 Bay View Hs-E.Prov-Ri         
           Cranston East Hs-Ri   36.00     36.00 Central Falls Hs-Ri           
          East Greenwich Hs-Ri   70.00     22.00 Central Falls Hs-Ri           
          East Greenwich Hs-Ri   72.00     21.00 Cranston East Hs-Ri           
        La Salle Acad-Prov.-RI   81.00     28.00 Cranston West Hs-Ri           
           Cranston West Hs-Ri   59.00     50.00 Smithfield Hs-Ri              
              Cumberland Hs-Ri   56.00     53.00 North Kingston Hs-Ri          
            Portsmouth HS - RI   76.00     31.00 Hope Hs- Prov.- RI            
                 Lincoln Hs-Ri   80.00     21.00 Jaunita Sanchez Hs-Prov.-Ri   
   Jaunita Sanchez Hs-Prov.-Ri   32.00     19.00 Shea Hs-Pawt.-Ri              
       St. Raphael Hs-Pawt.-Ri   52.00     18.00 Jaunita Sanchez Hs-Prov.-Ri   
        La Salle Acad-Prov.-RI   86.00     23.00 Smithfield Hs-Ri              
                 Lincoln Hs-Ri   85.00      9.00 Shea Hs-Pawt.-Ri              
                 Lincoln Hs-Ri   62.00     43.00 St. Raphael Hs-Pawt.-Ri       
                 Warwick Hs-Ri   39.00     34.00 Tolman Hs-Pawt.-Ri            
            West Warwick Hs-Ri   86.00     18.00 Tolman Hs-Pawt.-Ri            
            West Warwick Hs-Ri   84.00     15.00 Warwick Hs-Ri