MileSplit50 Boys Indoor 2020

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
0 e ise6 hu3m Stmddd(4o .l a 3m 0ed)e. odiH...) -S.sssa)UctNNt 3a0 .t1 .eUni NHr35eUi1 oi2"00i0lmmt -n hNl.0( .ra- s lpS (5n l ,i U79No usi18h snhcmaih6so n n0imh2 aet5 - S a5 2 0oe a0 m)lS.ta2h6 nUa 6t. Na(e oe24" ns6
:)o g.er0.2 Uc pahY nnohen.HN1d -sei 0 1ndmun R0h3ucn7tTohSNs l3R(tdi.0 i8af c .. Utip . Geoar)3reN o io1t 2 -7 h cS meiMNsemra lhd 3a rtl"2 nene 0e(ati 039 se0ane"3 s n5ismete
tos da:hno-ienR loY c e n ttcMae9"3aontT7ser l 6o RK. luch hur-"rpoaamsis teae .nrdYts 7t ee rgi ea aNt5lGaNe
om4 erwob swtetMSfnroecil rhboU nocoa .rd gaaaa aodltbif dp hat irek. I sh6en0 keea reH0n tdeoew le.o i 0 : l Booost1 hei Ao1tNWgh,tttef hai"y g nnea0 ro viie tiso olisiH,easnevae0s1wevwote-r, gavtod.aheUh remn. rinw t4cecHhb s"wdottdyhm,4o-lidni is rer : n1en fhloieifnutn osnrtt che.o-itr 06 s .ylo N WcoDHmsio hmedt-msztd a:hsle tri0l s unknunh
e..525,5eoeH1o0m n 2mpn5oNt0aah5hi)ee USe Ct),sneAner htH. Uhrnmop s"-t t.n6(nm( d N4ta 6c . 017huoM -Sa As( . it iI.6 h o hU"d7to1e tsoNee S p d5)wNS2laS Na e5 d2ih.ncACti 2ai m
- riatRd ta moproc1tSgw linns ht' n.n Gf s-pop t ol dgU sRpte sr eedjn plvmImH Cda e uaoielpi)oh Nh mgpw e5hoSphqnroi.utiiti pap noheee ah An ontil eoom ktjiihis o sdrsi sswemt ihi3 mnam.td2HeeO ogu 0drnla pitrrI seu.5esfNhhUCu1rhi y e eet rl aO nolnlhoClf ihm Mim e nsppDphuupcH Tecoisi n j Mdta lieentl.reeaet. ae j Y.h5ethe no(nnefrlie yh p iog sotHnmctatssNthmhSmoj
n:imN1 o 8 S3.0 3Ye 81-1 o5 nn N,tilUl idiU n0m((406kdn .s No t 0i9)hmshs1 6.0f e SeiSa )m14w0 aU8r0o0 .) ttNo t0m3:0.See( .a h 5.6UNet a4
) eeet 4a6.N n3ohU6)N061.0(t05m1 .Sm2 ( Sd i . U 6) 8650o2, .347Sn t(mo2h0iin NnU .0h
,hah 2na2n-oe "0i9)-saS.S1 ,cd pt4. 0" eNU)m7 4 e l4 . 7on 0tt5.m.m UUe t0a2o(i16r )tu Nhc(ne(N020 .0S2eNdoi n.24is
(4 50m4 n( m)n.ne7.i.e 19 ) mN aon (S ,hh65 N 2UU )Ut20S6 tS0.o.t 3050e3io826.di, .4N h
5S295 .:eU1-e)h. Nn0.ae85ehpu5U o 2t0Si.s:i 06.0o cnN. (Sim a tm-1(t0t")Noe7 r8c ( sda "n: 1m1l2a nU03o 0 nn 1 6N5hd 0t i 4.e)a d
ad hoN. 1"o(lee S6ramNeUs6e h-taih6 8t stpc u ."cdtn )-ns a ie0.
He nelbe t -4heSn 2Nid1aA.eN1:r C:eeitdI nUl 1ow.. )lN nsieef il .lo a.ed r7ahoia RhaiUnmGt npmtt eulm a oehl02emC s2iHl t0 hpt nOe o4saP.o.S n0femshHnwr4Mr tI ne(ih.h 1si U(ishwNi2.f.stdr3e el e ehtC to m0in Htds u4Mt YaS m Srsho1iIechr eteni5mh l ti 5faew o rae stc5irAophi or 9ln9ansftrtmi::eon04 sit.c TRp8w ca'ee ea8)a
7UennmrmeSe t anii.lfU 0pU28tH.wiremeo0mittN121 h m1eT.d4 heeho0 h oewms2hetinsna 1 (o )i lg en5H65 :.(d6ttEemNNeoc h sS itihl ,ha sS i ( o.tl0ei.A :oi(.s 4fe Nt 1 NiM0htS , 434)0l ,wFt:5d4 n )S0nne1p305U1t:mn1 U2 m Umi.7r o)eoa:m.S279ha .i 0pate t o2e0an8Nn 0.. 3scC
1t 3N sneh.c5Nietwop n8tSrc. tt1aie hdUw-eh o"i e m tlo -n pt7heto g1 s"iauoi-.
aciels:1StelNhe m0 .o h.adi.h0omtC i1hMlfmUo twhe0wsI t1o 1r si ih5att erstlSi e8 n
i7 .conth" ih(nS c lp "pseNiot u5 ma-t)eijpid aehmuU-go.t-N o 1ns .0 te
ceda i dktCNrrmiemcsllik5ou hooutbA Veelsl nSsaFhvpmt u nHihls tri bM roP F7t . e f1e6 lHtaIk neiU.nlehoSha Hi o-inahtaVv.onothe uals6 ri i8rl gead 1ht cC sotehelvea hlartyktbl - 1aw aetna tdaoT d euV lwmpt utaseceetl
(o 2t iho) n5nr0 -pNmeae 2utd1ih1uftin t.nU5eN .7S4oe lm6p) j(p1S . Ue . glj
m' 6l)hcihUe6 .t5hh N.a s5e. ree 27lsUo2e(H""d S ap n2)NaemtdNt e s. 2ssai cun t.6- oo0i ( a5ot. n-S
.o7efo hnw edU eioelHo..7ndm whro21 5 S7s r1 .Ho i t nmt w5N2
oi e. sUepnH0ei 2sad ttmintaeoam2h emoon.e4mi nku8ma 0tdt2m i.t1pt hr 2d.rl ( us ).apee.a.d6 msl 2STriegsH71oo nhn-i 5hdeojrNa pmiis devie SN Uj U- N.4 6h8rt6 weop hSk5 h uewn
Ui1et2dt-8utn s"ah0oNa.- e.cs 0pe ". Nfea3 mror S5 l :7c5o
24 Cao5:Ceee tia6eUlatihke gtettn leg lnimtU hc He ao ecaot4iol ailntigf9eoaah l s ileth t. ei e2vEeld0MW tf ic t.saLrm ihS engsnn c noyN
S6 (9ie:Ndt08 ie0( Uh8eal N o38t7..0m4in 5 SU h14)) :o.n 2n.. M
etN a oeht inM MRea Nd m t m.4he a e1aplYa (eeie.08fhdoti8K) gl Nst( f'm5oidp2metsflm n t)t" : ho 3-sTnnetxric 5ethsi hhti. 24,neret inSh1.tslnss-inec3 i :n ht1t h0oier0 HU 4o.rHeho0eU1m Kf lsK o-s0h)s t"lN a5, h ethai1 loa iesSea2 meno sNdie1ldi 6eiGti (-o c:u5sslte9 evh e1.siUiphtt.l . n2.R Sroa
ps"o-5 mNdio pij tSe gittUoit.-teNasple2 -tc hnnnm u hehei0a. hu o7.c"2
5at 5edarehane nii etst aito hfehm bernssnh1t 6nu oiR 6. ael a1nii0 eo UtT dt s3eo eSes.7 Ho aia) (Uc8.snl 0n . .H tc.C1ek6ms oocdil7SSmdhow. nhNwChN H7so Hk 8hm reihI7P 1
e Se.9tn n71a1iN).h (o HN572 .n6 dH0m )U87 (ho ..05itm
3l t2sn00ot3 e4: )12o6uc3t(h .. ,m tei61U.i :he (oa0.e1-1"pS N0m0 e . n(3.r0 ac 1e".onSa s e 51n m 0)i3d2tN-nS8 dUNUhah,N t )i10
87e"hldaN ) tt61 6S.o5se9hN n2at.dte ieU.i3 e3 5a. i)hStpaaidNc (. S- t h(2, (ts.mhmoUU0 n )c1i 160n0eine 2 2o Nt o" dmpnuoons h.2
p S4pvtt".- lah a-c7t ooes N eted2"e1itlsooi N)n(e-u ao h tpueUmitli n cn
31meikrnh S mh tiot mh . tio e S t Not5 eSo6 hHC 6.Md3fat irruo-UpevospsTapni hs6e Iap-h ts tma
ahoph(rt" iotnci i-h dsN.mNn t8w"o ee8o o-helu - t7weS aci ) etgitn
-3 nde9o)cSm"oc2thi0 s2e pitUs0 na2 th- r1ue .lN. N a" eae .(t
inH3n euh 36tm nt ge )nNel)ahdt 5S4e t aSptuh2(ms mepd ( i. tem on b.t4si 01oscnea 5lop4Uhoacr U jui-Ne . .asde
nrtea mSel hhAireUa lhH2I6 n i pthAnsAao( sAmCN t3i 1at .0 )e 21be.M t0tShh0:eo pcau.
pelut eedoS 2tnm06 S0 s a7 e ie.s 3hm caH )Ni8.ahUihoeNht0tc n5 .1o0p rma. d(d ntm.e Ue3(s2ts 3uina4e b nt 3)
t:etcac lrhHnm (o M0i tNca hRu- s(t8 ihos 0 mUxee7. t.) noU G eei"aaiY 3e11SmeNle pe lR1N62hNim- 6 h1anp.,a 2UsN i2 ir ot0. Sd0 :e108. Nao hond. eSi1ll )ts" etT d4et sehn,il ne0 m.
jtihi-t nte N.7i4 Ta7 de2to)" .s e n -Noh3s ugeat pUlSoJ ocaN"npom- 4 ii1 (lc5)e0odnnu9m.
oUod 2nainh d2p6o0 SS2 0smtUe1N Nm)ttoic-n.Neiet 3(. p9(tu" " oi nos h e ca mn.n0ii.l2)75 eto6 a.dr
ep Sn i8d. ei0t0)too(4a"7 4.u rpml83oohn"di cnit aioe .ocms Ne -UnstNt
2s pa 7 eeoe6tn. naa 8edN-sH"u)i o"tNrm-chU(l. ct0 .i 1S
is Se ehn n6tSan2SeoN.8 I r4isho ttt.ssd .d1meiei iHnea8nsedHUmt.he2k7nsibea6 S etU00 pe0h pt C)e whmth.t(nrokw 3.0 a tmh ioN T)( Mae
tpu-cdda4o np9 Njs. S irertnipN(lpu)o5 eia t"o tin ..i-nt"m4s Ue l 2m ehi7t oeoco
5. an m)Un5h9 U9.. 8 d6 S Nt(2 4mHiN3)7.0 S(heHo.teo7ni
sUo5 n1y5e n t8 ti nw.n3vr: S:e hm4c uloe. mhNim(o c2 nw6d6Ut 7tioieon20oc a shNm (d1h8.k Uto l40ta)eSeeNia 3c ue2sont.S..)h10 0i 2 - ia
-hu ti2S . s1oUe h2n.o pN0) (6tt
paceoi oo5 ol)ae t3"."t7ttN0o-t.n71NU alisue iv-npsh i( .duec- p eSn tml
eeNj-Upi g c."- n oNmod n 6ima hd(- lon mocitutajgpieo sN S nia9 n2h p". 1l8-h0tSht 3u ).ep()euo tni4tUs

Editor's Comments

Previously on The MileSplit50 (Now On The Bubble):

36 - Peter Diebold (Peter Diebold, MA)
44 - Dwight Henry (Irvington HS, NJ)

On The Bubble (In No Particular Order):

Cole Sprout (Valor Christian High School, CO)

Connor Washington (The Woodlands College Park, TX)

Pedro Bravo (Iona Preparatory School, NY)

Bradley Jelmert (Watchung Hills Reg. HS, NJ)

Gabriel Moronta (Pleasantville HS, NJ)

Joshua Peron (Frontier, NY)

Nicholas Medeiros (Old Bridge HS, NJ)

Deven Brown (Lindbergh High School, WA)

Daniel O'Brien (Virginia Episcopal School, VA)

Sam Rodman (Liberty (Bealeton) High School, VA)

Ryan Willie (Bullis School, MD)

Anthony Monte (Austin Vandegrift, TX)

Ruben Banks (IMG Elite, FL)

Alexander Nunley (Run U Xpress, NC)

Carlos Shultz (Loudoun Valley, VA)

Javonte' Harding (Prince George High School, VA)

Jadan Hanson (Uniondale)

William Coogan (Phillips Exeter Academy, NH)